Buy a bag. Employ a woman. Educate a Girl. Kaia Peterka designs to educate girls with A note from Kaia on the inspiration for her design: I would have been happy to contribute to that effort in any way, but this proposal was particularly rewarding. I would design a bag inspired by and made in Nepal. I would seek out artisans to work with in Nepal and learn more about their traditional craftsmanship. Along the way, I met many wonderful people who led me to more wonderful people and so now there’s a long list of incredible people who have helped make this project a success. I’ve felt lucky to work with such a great team. My inspiration for the Nepal bag is multilayered. I wanted to capture the craft of the Nepali people by using traditional wool felted materials, but also bring in modern, unexpected elements. The graphic pattern and repeated use of triangles was inspired by the shape of the Nepalese flag and by the peaks of Mt. Everest. Triangles are also considered the strongest shape, so I like the connection to strength and power. The resulting pattern is dramatic, yet simple with a nod towards Art Deco design which is a common thread for most designs in my handbag collection. The profits from your purchase of this bag will benefit girls’ education initiatives through the 10×10 Fund for Girls’ Education. To buy a bag to support education for girls, visit: